Spring: the time of the Liver & Gallbladder
In the Spring, Yin begins to transition to Yang. It is the time of the Wood element which is associated with rebirth, wind, all things green, sourness, and the emotion of anger.
Spring is a time for new beginnings, as the days get longer and the sun starts to warm the earth. It’s a time of expansion rather than contraction, and starting to move and grow outward in the world after the hibernation of winter.
One of the main roles of the Liver in Chinese medicine is the smooth flow of Qi throughout our bodies. During the Spring the Liver needs to be supported a little more than usual as it is most vulnerable during this time period. The strong winds of the seasons which spread the seed for growth, can also stir up our Liver energy causing issues related to the Liver to flare.
The Liver is associated with anger when it’s out of balance, and expansion when in balance. When we are not aligned with what we’re doing, and not allowed to feel growth and expansion, we feel stuck. When the Liver feels stuck, it stops our Liver Qi flowing smoothly throughout our body leading to feelings of stress, frustration, and anger, as well as physical symptoms like tight neck and shoulders, PMS, menstrual problems, and even digestive problems.
Being the season of the Liver, Spring can be a time when you find yourself feeling more explosive or angry if your Liver is out of balance. It’s the perfect time to reflect on what triggers anger in you, whether it feels like a valid response, and where it may be time to let go of some situations or people that make you angry.
Signs of Disharmony:
Mood Swings
Eye Issues
Tendon Troubles
Suggestions for living in harmony with the Wood season:
Activities: Deep breathing, Meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Massage
When the Wood element is in balance people are calm, effective leaders, easily able to make decisions, and have little stress. The liver controls the flow of energy within the body and mind. When the liver is balanced the energy flows smoothly.
Move: The Liver needs movement and so do you; so get outside and take long walks in nature, observe the changes going on all around you, and invite change in. Join an exercise or yoga class. Practice Yang activities such as waking up earlier and taking brisk walks.
Recreate Order Out of Chaos: Go through your home and office and get rid of stuff that you donʼt need; have a garage sale or give it away and create the space for the new to come in. Allow new things into your life. Imagine what you would like to create in your life and find ways to make plans to actuate these dreams. The Spring is time honor the liver’s planning abilities. Similar to an army general, create goals and plans to achieve those goals in the Spring.
Plant Life: Green is the color of Spring, the color of new plants pushing upwards and outwards. For optimum health, we mimic this behavior, eating lighter foods and spending time in the sun, reaching and stretching, both physically and metaphorically
Let Go of Old Resentments and Start Fresh: Grudges and resentments are indigestible and can do damage to Liver energy. Practice forgiveness.
Take a Risk and Try Something New: Think of what you would like to try, even if it seems silly or scary. The small delicate sprout would never know its potential if it stayed safe within its seed…begin sprouting and be playful.
Hydrate Your Body: Drink eight to ten 8 oz. glasses of water daily. Use filtered water, not carbonated. Adding some lemon juice gives it a nice taste, and lemon nourishes the Liver.
Herbal Formula for Allergies & Boosting the Immune System:
#21 Pe Min Kan Wan
WELCOME #21 Pe Min Kan Wan — New Seasonal Allergy Relieving Tincture!!
This new tincture has been a long time coming! We have had this formula in tablets for years and our patients love how effective it is. Soon you can try out this formula in a glycerin tincture just like the other tinctures we make!
Glycerin tinctures make taking herbs easy! They taste good, are easy to dose for all ages, and are good to take on the go — just drop some right in your mouth!
We are experiencing high levels of Cedar, mold spores, Elm, and Oak here in ATX. So many of us are experiencing runny noses, congestion, sore throats, and itchy eyes; not fun at all! The good news is that we have a great TCM formula that can help you feel like your best self!
Pe Min Kan Wan is a traditional Chinese formula that is useful for respiratory system support during cold, flu, and allergy season, especially when excess nasal discharge or post-nasal drip is present and is appropriate for short or long term use.
The TCM theory behind this formula has a goal to disperse wind, clear heat, expel toxins (allergens), transform phlegm and unblock the sinus passages.
If you would like to give Pe Min Kan Wan a try give us a call/text at (512) 775-4057, email at lightfamilyacupuncture@gmail.com, order on our online shop, or pick up at your next appointment!
Allergies symptoms in Austin have been extra terrible lately! Many of our patients are experiencing nasal congestion and headaches from all of the pollen in our environment. Here is something you can do at home to relieve your symptoms!
Click here for one of our recent Instagram posts that has a video demonstration of the technique. Follow Melissa and locate LI 20 which is located just beside either nostril. Use either your middle or pointer finger to massage the point for 30 seconds in rounds of three.
LI 20 is best used for nasal congestion and discharge, rhinitis, profuse nasal discharge, loss of sense of smell, nasal polyps, nasal sores, sneezing, and nosebleed.