Homemade Moon Pies for the Total Eclipse
Prep Time: 60 mins
Cook Time: 12 mins
Total Time: 72 mins
On April 8th, the sun and moon will align perfectly across parts of North America, bringing an eerie daytime darkness and incredible cosmic beauty. For millennia, cultures have revered the otherworldly allurement solar eclipses inspire.
Solar eclipses may be beautiful to look at, but according to Chinese Medicine, they also reflect important lessons about the balance of energy.
Chinese Medicine recognizes that there are two opposite yet interrelated energies that exist within all things. Hot and cold, light and dark, and action and rest are just a few examples of how any quality has an opposing counterpoint. This is at the very core of the concept of duality. In TCM, these two energies are referred to as Yin and Yang.
The energies of Yin and Yang take many forms, and when they harmonize together, it’s always a special occasion. This is especially true when it happens on a cosmic scale.
In our solar system, the sun is the most Yang energy that exists. Nothing creates more light or heat than the sun in our solar system. Its light, heat, and gravitational force are essential for life on our planet.
Similarly, the moon is rich with Yin energy. It produces no light, and its surfaces are cold and barren. However, for life on Earth, the moon plays an essential role in regulating the rhythms of the natural world. In fact, it’s widely believed that land-based life would not exist on Earth if it wasn’t for the moon. The moon’s gravitational pull creates tides and tidal pools on the Earth’s surface, which allowed ocean creatures to slowly transition from sea to land during the early stages of evolution.
During a solar eclipse, the sun and moon align perfectly across parts of our planet. These rare occasions create an amazing display of symbiotic energy and power on a cosmic scale. When the moon moves in front of the sun, you can stare directly at both celestial bodies, taking in the sun and moon’s interwoven energies—ultimate Yin and ultimate Yang—in a single moment. Anyone who’s witnessed a solar eclipse can attest to the power and inspiration that is felt on a deep, energetic level.
For the cookie dough:
6 ounces unsalted butter
¼ cup light brown sugar firmly packed
¼ cup cane syrup
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ cups all-purpose flour
1¼ cups about 1 sleeve graham cracker crumbs, ground fine
¾ teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoon whole milk
For the marshmallow center:
1, 12-ounce container marshmallow crème
For the chocolate coating:
1, 16-ounce bag bittersweet chocolate
2 tablespoons avocado oil
In a medium mixing bowl, cream butter, brown sugar, syrup, and vanilla until mixture is fluffy, about 1 minute.
In a separate bowl, combine flour, graham cracker crumbs, kosher salt, baking powder, baking soda, and ground cinnamon.
With the mixer on low, gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients until dry ingredients are thoroughly incorporated. In a slow, steady stream, add the milk. Continue to mix until the dough comes together and leave the side of the bowl.
Turn dough out onto a large sheet of plastic wrap. Flatten with the palm of your hand. Wrap the edges of the plastic wrap around the dough. Refrigerate for up to1 hour.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Turn chilled dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. You may need to let the dough sit a room temperature for 5-10 minutes to make it easier to work with. Roll the dough until it is ¼ inch thick. Cut out cookies using a 3-inch round cookie cutter. Place cookies on a prepared cookie sheet.
Bake cookies 10-12 minutes. They will still be soft when you remove them from the oven. Allow cookies to cool 10-15 minutes until you can carefully transfer them to a cooling rack. Allow cookies to cool completely before beginning the next step.
Once your cookies have cooled, spoon approximately ¼ cup of marshmallow crème into the center of 12 cookies. Top marshmallow with a second cookie, then gently press down until the marshmallow just touches the edge. Place sandwiches on a cookie sheet and chill for at least 15 minutes.
In the meantime, melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in a heatproof bowl set over a small pan of boiling water. Once the chocolate has melted, remove pan from the heat and allow the chocolate to cool until it is still warm to the touch, but not longer hot. Slowly whisk in the oil.
Using two forks, gently place once sandwich cookie into the warm chocolate. Turn until thoroughly coated. Then remove cookies to a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Let cookies stand until chocolate shell has completely hardened.
photo and recipe credits to The Cooking Bride