Autumn: the time of the Lung and Large Intestine

The yin cycle begins with fall. It's the period when daytime begins to shorten, harvesting occurs, and the community prepares for the winter ahead. Autumn is the season associated with the Lungs and Large Intestine which belong to the Metal Element. The key words of these organs are: Dryness, Contraction, and Downward Movement. 
The metal element is the element of structure. When it's in balance, we are able to stay well-organized, methodical, efficient, patient, and disciplined. The Lungs are open to the environment through the nose and mouth. Due to this direct contact with the environment, the lungs are tender and easily damaged.

Autumn marks the end of the growing season, a turning inward and a falling away of outer-directed energy. The green leaves of the spring and summer turn color and fall. The old leaves go back to the earth, enriching the soil promote the leaves that will grow next year. 

The emotional aspect of the Lungs and Large intestine is this process of “letting go.” Similar to the leaves falling, this is a period to reflect and let go of things that no longer serve you. The action of "letting go" gives way to receiving and taking in new directions and possibilities. Trees do not stubbornly hold onto their leaves because they might need them next year. Keep that in mind throughout this season of change.

Signs of Disharmony:

  • Allergies and sneezing

  • Colds and flu

  • Asthma

  • Constipation

  • Dry hair and skin

  • Poor appetite

  • Stiff joints

  • Headaches

  • Suppressed Emotions

  • Fixed/rigid Attitudes

Suggestions for living in harmony with the Metal season:

Activities: Deep breathing, Meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Dry skin brushing, and Massage

  • Go through your closet, desk, garage, medicine cabinet or any cluttered storage area, and discard what you no longer need. Then donate, sell, or otherwise circulate what might be of value to others.

  • Do a mental inventory: see what patterns are no longer serving you and brainstorm on new ways of doing. 

  • Forgive others and yourself.

  • Take time each day to breathe slowly and deeply. Maybe try to go for a walk around your neighborhood. As you inhale the clean and crisp Fall air, feel yourself energized and and at peace. Feel the old negativity, impurity, and pain leave your body and mind. 

  • Remember to take inspiration from nature around you; let go to become renewed.

Herb Special! — Sports Medicine Bundle

Special Discounted Sports Medicine Bundle — only *$40* for three awesome healing remedies!

As the weather is getting cooler and school sports are picking back up, many of us are moving out bodies more — and unfortunately this can sometimes lead to us hurting ourselves!!

We put together a Sports Medicine Bundle featuring our favorites to get you back on your feet feeling better ASAP!

The herbal tincture we included, Jin Gu Die Da Sheng Wan — also know as the Great Mender, is amazing for acute bruising or swelling from traumatic sprain, fracture, or dislocation; torn or inflamed ligaments, with or without swelling. It works by invigorating Blood, breaking up Blood stasis, tonifying Blood, stopping bleeding, strengthening sinews(tendons) and bones, and relieves pain.

For topicals we have included Zheng Gu Shui and Arnica Ointment!

Zheng Gu Shui is a miracle liniment that can be used for all sorts of injuries, including those involving muscle and nerve pain. The most common uses are for traumatic injuries, bruises, and sprains. Many people have found Zheng Gu Shui helpful for all kinds of pain from carpal tunnel to arthritis!

Arnicare Ointment is useful for relieving muscle pain and stiffness due to minor injuries, overexertion, and falls; & reducing pain, swelling, and discoloration from bruises.

Acupressure to Relieve Pain

This point is great for relieving all types of pain! From low back pain, to headaches and ankle/heel pain. It can also help ease labor pains as well — just be mindful to NOT use while pregnant!

Helpful for sprains, strains and to move stagnation which is a major source of pain in TCM! 

Keep in mind: if the location of the point is already inflamed due to injury, like a sprained ankle, be careful using too much pressure!! We do not want to irritate the area further! 

To find this point, locate your outer ankle bone and find the hollow in between the ankle bone and the achilles. Massage this point with firm pressure for at least 90 seconds.


Winter: the time of the Kidneys and Bladder